Paragon provides communication solutions that link decision-makers to the information they need utilizing the technology that meets the requirements at hand. Our engineers have over 20 years of proven experience designing RF and optical communication and networking solutions for military, government and commercial customers.
Our expertise ranges from design and development to integration and management of communication and information technologies, services and integrated communication infrastructures. Staff members have developed solutions for tracking and identification, emergency communications, homeland security, maritime, secure wireless and wired communications, and mission critical communications. Paragon engineers have extensive experience in designing, integrating and deploying these communication technologies into systems with extremely different requirements ranging from small low power/self-powered designs to very large systems requiring high bandwidth and highly secure transmission capabilities.
Paragon engineers have also developed and deployed advanced self-healing wireless mesh networks for use by military and law enforcement agencies. Our mesh network is an implementation of the Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR). As such it allows mesh routing for any network equipment. OLSR is fast and uses very little CPU time thus saving valuable battery power on embedded and portable devices. OLSR is also highly scalable. It currently runs on community wireless mesh networks with over 2000 nodes.